Secretary Pompeo’s Meets DRC President Felix Tshisekedi

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met today with Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) President Felix Tshisekedi in Washington, D.C. They discussed the future of U.S.-DRC relations following the country’s historic transfer of power earlier this year and expressed their common interest in partnering to deliver a better and more prosperous future…

The Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sylvestre Ilunga, on Monday, announced the list of 65-member Government set up seven months after the swearing-in of Felix Tshisekedi as president. The Government has 17 % percent are women. Hereunder some of the appointed Ministers and see attachment to get the full list:

L’Ambassade a le reel plaisir de vous annoncer la visite officielle a Washington DC de son Excellence Monsieur le President de la Republique Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo pour un séjour du 3 au 6 Avril 2019. SALUTATIONS PATRIOTIQUES. The Embassy has the real honor and it is with great pleasure that we are announcing the
Government Agenda Released

The many concerns expressed by the Congolese people both directly, through the forces consulted, and indirectly through its legitimate elected representatives, organized in provincial caucuses, beyond political divisions, have served as a compass for the development of this Agenda, which is intended to be ambitious and whose motto is “National Recovery from the Bottom Up”.

The Fees for Visas have changed. For further information, please see the Notice. Les frais de visas ont changé. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter cet Avis. COMMUNIQUE NOUVEAU TARIFS VISAS
Communique – Embassy Opening/ Ouverture de l’Ambassade

COMMUNIQUE L’Ambassade de la RDC vous informe ce jour la reprise de ses activités. Suite à la Pandémie du Covid-19, toujours présente, l’Ambassade fonctionnera suivant les nouvelles dispositions ci-dessous : 1. L’Ambassade travaille en service minimum et en Back Office (fermée au public) ; 2. Tout accès à l’Ambassade par le public se fera uniquement