Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo


In the sector of tourism and travel, a myriad of opportunities exist in the rehabilitation and construction of hotels, restaurants and other tourism infrastructure. DRC’s unique tourist opportunities including wildlife reserves, indigenous cultures, and geological wonders establishes the DRC as a perfect country for those who seek to connect to nature and mankind. Twelve percent of the country is made up of protected areas including 7 national areas and 57reserves with great ecotourism potential. DRC offers a wide range of tourist attractions in different provinces ranging from the seaside to the safaris and cultural structures. DRC caters to the business as well as leisure.

The DRC has four endemic species including Mountain Gorillas, Okapi, Bonobos, and the Congolese peacock. Moreover, the country has a variety of species in its ecosystem covering almost 145 million hectares.

12% of the territory established as protected areas;
7 national parks and 57 reservations areas;
Many touristic sites available.
Presence of four endemic species:
Mountain Gorilla, Okapi, Bonobo and Congolese Peacock;
Ecosystem varieties covering almost 145 million ha.

Peace restoration process in the finals;

Renovation of botanical and zoological gardens of Kinshasa through the Public-Private Partnership;

Modernization of 4 major airports in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Goma and Kisangani;

Support to the approval of a hundred tourist investment projects including 85 hotel projects;

Strengthening the capacity with the rehabilitation and modernization of some Hotels of Congolese heritage through the Public-Private partnership, including the three 5 star hotels (Grand Hotel Kinshasa, Fleuve Congo Hotel in Kinshasa;

Grand Karavia Hotel in Lubumbashi);

Creation of a national airline; The reduction to four of the number of public services which shall operate in the border posts (Migration Management, Department of Hygiene, Congolese Control Authority and Customs Authority);

Opening the country to large events and other international forums (forums, conferences, sports, conferences);

Rehabilitation and construction of historical sites and creation of approval public spaces.

Positioned in the heart of Africa, the DRC is found on the Equator and at the crossroads Southern, Central and Eastern Africa. Different provinces connections allow organizing inter-provincial and intra-regional circuits to visit the 11 provinces that border 9 African countries.

Common tourism products with neighboring countries along with the extension of regional destinations are opportunities to enhance existing markets and create new tourism markets in the Great Lakes region, SADC, COMESA and ECCAS to which the DRC belongs.

The DRC continues to attract tourists as it has recorded an increase in migration flow, dominated by youth (over 60% of the population and the middle class), the Congolese Diaspora and international business visitors and cultural enthusiasts.

Legal framework

The revival of tourism has been included among the DRC government’s priorities. This sector, byproduct of the environment, was set up in the Ministry which will incessantly provided with a framework legislation being drafted.

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