Taxes related to Investment
Tax and customs incentives
The Investment Code provides customs and tax exemptions to investors who submit their investment projects to ANAPI (business plan), and once the project is approved by ANAPI, the investor receive benefits for a maximum period of 30 days from the customs, fiscal and para-fiscal advantages hereunder listed:
(1) Exemption from duties and taxes on imports of machinery, materials and equipment (excluding administrative fee of 2% and VAT (to be paid upstream by the promoter, but to be reimbursed by the tax authorities) ;
(2) Tax exemption on profits;
(3) Exemption from property tax;
(4) Exemption from ad valorem duty on the setting up of LLC or increase of their share capital.
The duration of benefits is 3, 4 or 5 years depending on the economic region where the investment is located:
3 years: Economic Region A (Kinshasa, the capital City);
4 years: Economic Region B (Kongo Central, cities of Lubumbashi, Likasi, Kolwezi);
5 years: Economic Region C (the rest of the country).
Since 1st of November 2012, a decree from the Prime Minister has been promulgated on measures enforcing the Investment Code. This text emphasizes the investor’s benefits, which provide approved projects, a statutory period of 30 days in view of the signed file by the Managing Director of ANAPI.
Furthermore, to facilitate implementation of the investment, the approval decision taken by ANAPI may, if necessary, be made by the investor to the customs administration for the authorized removal of equipment, materials and approved tools.
Hereunder requirements to access the Investment Code benefits:
(1) Be an economic entity under Congolese law;
(2) The total cost of the planned investment (all expenses) must be at least $ 200,000 (or at least $ 10,000 for SMEs / SMIs);
(3) Commit to comply with environmental regulations;
(4) Commit to observe working regulations;
(5) The investment should ensure a value-added rate of at least 35%.